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What We


and Why We Believe It!

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We believe that you will find that this church is not similar, but identical in every way to the church you read about in the New Testament. This isn't an exclusive or wealthy church; everything about it is very simple and it is not its purpose to feed vanity or pride with a display of vain things.
Its doors are open to those who from the quiet depths of their hearts would reach out to God in simple worship and by obedient living. It is not its aim to amuse or entertain those who attend its services. It exists here as a simple New Testament body, pointing those of its community to the Christ and God of the Bible. We use the Bible as our proof text, and would like for you to make a careful comparison of this church with the one described in detail in your Bible.
If you would like to worship God in spirit and in truth; if you enjoy thinking and meditating on God's Word; if you enjoy the Word of God; if you appreciate warm, intimate, genuine brotherliness, you will enjoy attending the services of the CHURCH OF CHRIST (Romans 16:16; Matthew 16:18)
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